RASC—Eyes on the Universe for 150 Years
“Imagining the Skies”
Our astrophotography, sketching
and creative arts contest
is Now Closed for Submissions and Voting.
The entries can be viewed at https://imaginingtheskies.ca
Beloved Canadian astronomer Helen S. Hogg entitled her popular book, The Stars Belong to Everyone. In that spirit during our 2018 sesquicentennial year, the RASC invites you to explore your skies and share the creativity they inspire in you, whether through photography, sketching, or other artistic expressions. Our contest is unique in that it is not only aimed at experienced astrophotographers. In fact, we are particularly welcoming and encouraging novices of all ages to participate in our contest!
The contest is open to everyone—members and non-members alike—who wish to help celebrate the RASC’s 150th year. The contest is now open and will run all through 2018. Final winners will be announced in early January of 2019.
The contest is easy to join. Go to:

To submit an entry click on the SUBMIT button on the homepage, which will take you to the submissions page.
There are two concurrent contest streams:
- one for entries of astrophotographs, and sketches done at the eyepiece and
- the other for entries in all other media, including painting, drawing, textile arts, stained glass or any mixed media.
We will ask for a bit of information, and a description of your submission and then you can download your photographs to the website. Once you have submitted an entry, it will be reviewed by a volunteer to ensure appropriate content for this contest and then will be downloaded onto our contest pages for public viewing. You will be able to submit up to 10 entries per quarter year.

This contest welcomes those of all levels of experience, and to ensure fair competition, each of the concurrent streams is divided into three experience categories:
- Novice, for those new to astronomy observing, astrophotography, sketching at the eyepiece or working in a new medium in 2018;
- Intermediate, for those who have under five years of experience in astrophotography, sketching, or another medium; and
- Experienced, for those who have been working with astrophotography, sketching or another medium for more than five years.
As an entrant, you can self-select for your level of experience.
(photo: W.J. McDonald)
Everyone is invited to vote for their favorite entries within each category all year long. Click on the VOTE button on the home page of the contest. Votes in each section will be totalled for quarterly recognition. At the end of the year the public will vote on the highly ranked quarterly submissions and an expert panel of RASC members will also choose their favourites to come up with the final winners in each category.
We do not have expensive prizes to give away, but winners in each category will be recognized with beautiful plaques, as well as inclusion in one of the RASC's regular publications. And, of course, your photographs and creative ideas will be admired on-line all throughout the year.
Plan to go outside during the day for solar viewing, or at night to view our skies throughout 2018. Take a friend, a colleague or a new person in your centre who is just starting out in astronomy with you. Submit your observations and creative accomplishments to our contest and then vote for your favourites all through the year. Please join with us in this unique contest to celebrate the RASC’s 150th Anniversary.
Rules and Regulations for the contest are on the Imagining the Skies website.
For more information, please contact info@imaginingtheskies.ca
Please note that this contest is sponsored by the RASC and is not affiliated with the Photo of the Week contest of Skynews Magazine.