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The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
meetings in the Society's rooms
198 College St., Toronto.
- *Saturday, Oct. 9th:
- Phases of work in a modern Observatory. (Illustrated with Lantern Slides.) Professor Edwin B. Frost, Director Yerkes Observatory.
- Tuesday, Oct. 26th.
- Observations during the summer and notes by members.
- Tuesday, Nov. 9th.
- Some recent work at the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa. (With lantern illustrations) John S. Plaskett, B.A.
- Tuesday, Nov. 23rd.
- Colloidal Particles--So-Called Molunles of matter viewed under the ultra-microscope, with experimental demonstrations. Lawrence V. Redman, B.A.
- Tuesday, Dec. 7th.
- High Temperatures--with experimental demonstrations. Saul Dushman, B.A.
- Tuesday, Dec. 21st.
- The Planet Jupiter--recent observations of its surface (with photographic illustrations) Dr. Percival Lowell, Director Lowell Observatory.
Discussion is invited on the subject matter of each paper and on other timely subjects. This often is a very interesting feature of the evening.
The society issues a bi-monthly Journal, containing papers presented to the society, astronomical phenomena and other interesting features. All publications are free to members.
Miss Louise Mason, Assistant Librarian, will be in the Library on alternate Tuesday evenings, and on other days from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Those interested in Astronomy or Astronomical Physics are eligible for membership.
Annual Fee - - $2.00.
*The opening meeting will be held in Mining Building of the University of Toronto, head of McCaul Street.
Professor Alfred Baker, Chairman.
[Final page: List of Officers and Council]
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