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THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA STANDING COMMITTEE FOR OBSERVATIONAL ACTIVITIES COMET AND NOVA SECTION FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT for 1966. NOTE: This annual report includes a summary of the section since it formed in 1961. 1. SEARCHES FOR COMETS AND NOVAE: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL No. Obs. 1962 74 90 121 67 59 75 196 298 325 244 245 160 1954 27 1963 172 175 215 235 180 143 225 227 214 236 112 165 2299 21 1964 No monthly figures 2222 13 1965 116 151 208 168 171 180 225 178 189 178 93 86 1943 16 1966 164 261 207 134 132 177 295 276 222 250 176 182 2476 19 TOTAL SEARCHES FROM 1962 TO 1966 (5 years) 10894 Most members searched 10° x 10° areas with binoculars, usually to about sixth magnitude. During 1966, one member made numerous other searches. Of the 2476 searches during 1966, David levy made 1271, or over half. 2. OBSERVATIONS OF COMETS AND NOVAE, 1966. During the past year, the following observations were made of comets: Number Number Number Observatns. Observers Centres Kilston, 1966b 57 7 4 Barbon, 1966c 3 2 2 Ikeya-Everhart, 1966d 1 1 1 The Coordinator of this section has not studied these observations yet, but hopes to analse the Kilston reports in the near future. Mr. H.N.A. Maclean made two more observations of Nova Herculis, 1963 during 1966, and it appears to be near a steady 14th magnitude. 5. BULLETINS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: In 1966, two Bulletins and one Announcement were issued. The follow- ing is a list of all Bulletins and Announcements that were issued since the formation of this section: Bulletin Subject 1 15 Novem1961 Introduction to C&N Section. 2 1 Mar. 1962 Request for reports of searches. 3 18 June 1962 Report on searches and observations. 4 19 Mar. 1963 Summary of searches and observations for 1962. 5 15 Mar. 1964 Summary of searches and observations for 1963. 6 Aug. 1965 Re-introduction of section, summary for 1964. 7 July 1966 Report on observations of Comet Ikeya-Seki. 8 21 Sep. 1966 Summary of searches for 1965, notes on 3 comets.
- 2 - Fourth Annual Report of C&N Section (cont'd.) 3. BULLETINS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, cont'd. Announc. Date Subject 1 Dec. 1961 Comet Seki. 2 Mar. 1962 Comet Seki-Lines, 1962c. 3 23 Mar. 1962 Comet Seki-Lines, 1962c. 4 18 June 1962 Comet Humason, 1961e. 5 19 Feb. 1963 Comet Ikeya, 1963a. 6 26 Feb. 1963 Nova Herculis, 1963. 7 7 Apr. 1963 Comet Alcock, 1963b. 8 5 July 1964 Comet Tomita-Gerber-Honda, 1964e. 9 21 July 1964 Comet Ikeya, Comet Tomita-Gerber-Honda. 10 30 Sep. 1965 Comet Ikeya-Seki, 1965f, and Comet Alcock, 1965b. 11 7 Oct. 1965 Comet Ikeya-Seki, Comet Alcock, Nova Herculis 1963, etc. 12 29 Nov. 1966 Comet Rudnicki, 1966e, and five other comets. 4. OTHER INFORMATION, AND SUMMARY. One member (David Levy, Montreal) made telescopic searches for comets. He searched for a total of 59 hours and 20 minutes during 1966. As this report was being prepared, five more 1966 observations of Comet Kilston were reported, bringing the total to 62. Eight of the seventeen Centres were represented in this section in one way or another, last year; either in searching or observing comets. They were: Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Windsor, Quebec, and Victoria. One unattached member took part. Of the many comet observations made last year, only a few gave detailed reports. Most gave little more detail than "I saw it." Although even these reports are welcome, the Coordinator would liek to receive more detailed reportes so that a study could be made of them. However, it is difficult to encourage observer's to spend the time required to fill out duplicate reports. Possibly, if a comet observation report form were printed, it would help. The Coordinator of this section would like the opinion of the National Chairmen and Committee. Although a record number of seraches were made during 1966, there has been some falling-off in activity. More than half of these searches were made by only one member. The high number of observations of Comet Kilston are also largely responsible to another single member. However, the Coordinator hopes to stimulate interest among more members during 1967. April 20, 1967 Respectfully submitted, Box 172, AMF Postal Station Jim Low, National Coordinator Montreal International Airport Comet and Nova Section Dorval, P.Q. S.C.O.A., R.A.S.C.
4th Annual Report
National Reports