(1921-2010) Radio astronomer and President of the Society (1972-74).
JACK L. LOCKE (1921-2010) received his undergraduate and graduate education at the University of Toronto, earning his Ph.D. in molecular spectroscopy under H.L Welsh and M.F. Crawford in 1949. He immediately joined the Stellar Physics Division at the Dominion Observatory, becoming head in 1955. Four years later he was put in charge of the construction and early stages of operation of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory in Penticton. In 1966 he resigned from the DO to pursue research in radio astronomy at NRC and the following year was one of the team who successfully linked Canada's two radio telescopes. Using long-base line interferometry, they determined an upper limit to the size of quasar 3C 273B as 0.02 arc-seconds. This pioneering achievement was recognized by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in the presentation of their highest honour, the Rumford Premium. Locke's administrative talents were clearly evident during his term as the first Director of NRC's Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, 1975-85, a post which put him in charge of all astronomical and astrophysical work carried out at government institutions, including NRC's participation in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation.

Ed Kennedy and Jack Locke ca. 1978
Jack Locke addressed the Ottawa Centre on a number of occasions; he served as their President 1954-55 and Honorary President 1979-89 and generously arranged suitable facilities for Centre meetings and library. At the national level, he participated in many General Assemblies, was elected the Society's 2nd Vice-President in 1968 and was President 1972-74. He was presented with the Service Award in 1988 and was commended for the exemplary manner in which he encouraged the cooperation between amateur and professional astronomers.
—Peter Broughton (from Looking Up)
Further Reading
- Obituary, JRASC (December 2010)
- The Beginning of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, JRASC (June 1998)
- The Twentieth Anniversary of Long-Baseline Interferometry, JRASC (October 1988)
- Report on construction of the Canada-France-Hawaii TelescopeJRASC (February 1977)
- Notes: The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, JRASC (August 1973)
- Recent Developments of Radio Astronomy in Canada, JRASC (October 1967)
- Canadian Scientists Report - XXXIV (The Meeting of the National Committee for Canada of the I.A.U. at Kingston, March 19-20, 1965, JRASC (February 1966)
- Note on Radio Sun-spot Minimum, JRASC (August 1965) with A.E. Covington
- 2,700 Mc./s. Solar Patrol at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Penticton, B.C., JRASC (June 1965) with A.E. Covington
- Photoelectric Observations of the Solar Corona Taken From an Aircraft During the Eclipse of July 20, 1963, JRASC (February 1965) with V. Gaizauskas
- The Work of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, JRASC (February 1963)