Encyclopedia Uranica

Welcome to Urania's Encyclopedia—your reference source for information on everything RASC.

  • (1913-2007) Anglican minister. Hamilton Centre member; Service Award (1970); NNL Editor (1973-74); National Secretary (1964-71, 1978-80).

  • (1927-96) Worked at Geodetic Survey of Canada, DO, and NMST. Society President (1986-88); Service Award (1990).

  • (1897-1985) WWI veteran. Chemical engineer and botanist. Toronto Centre member from 1940-85.

  • (1906-88) The main founder of the Windsor Centre; received the Service Award in 1984.

  • (1928-) DO/NRC astronomer, Journal Editor (1970-75), Society President (1980-82), Honorary President (1989-93), Service Award recipient (1974).


Last modified: 
Thursday, August 6, 2015 - 4:33pm