Southern Manitoba was ground zero for this highly-anticipated eclipse.
The Total Solar Eclipse of 1979 Febrary 26
Eclipse Track: Global Map | Google Map
(Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC)
- Pre-eclipse:
- The Total Solar Eclipse of 1979, February 26 - William T. Peters
- Reports:
- NNL, June 1979 :
- Photos - Damien Lemay, David Levy
- Eclipse from Above — Roy Bishop
- The February 26, 1979 Eclipse — David Levy
- Eclipse de Soleil du 26 fevrier 1979 — Damien Lemay
- The Total Solar Eclipse — David Roger
- Totality 1979 – Looking Back — from Saskatoon Centre newsletter
- Photometric Experiment — Merlyn Melby
- Flash Spectrum Experiment — Mike Wesolowski
- Manitoba College Leads Eclipse Expedition — Harlan Creighton
- Transair Passengers see Eclipse
- Regulus, March 1979 — various Kingston Centre members (40kb)
- Regulus, April 1979 — Mike Kennedy, David Levy (90kb)
- NNL, June 1979 :
Eric Briggs on this eclipse:
The CBC Digital Archives website has a video with an interview with Helen Sawyer Hogg about solar eclipses on it, filmed in the library of the David Dunlap Observatory.
Robert Ballantyne from the Planetarium at the Manitoba Museum in Winnipeg was interviewed on CBC-TV during the eclipse, with edited highlights also on the CBC Digital Archives website. This video also includes a word or two from Dr. Thomas Clarke of the McLaughlin Planetarium in Toronto, and Dr. Ralph Nicholls and Bill Weller from the Centre for Research in Experimental Space Science:
The CBC broadcast is also in a less edited format on YouTube, with the worthwhile inclusion of the noisy rooster:
CTV coverage included an interview with a young Dr. Jay Pasachoff:
A couple of years later, on Rogers TV's 'Astronomy Toronto' program, Randy Attwood and Ian McGregor presented a complete slide show of the eclipse as they saw it from Gimli. Members of the RASC Toronto Centre led an expedition to the now-historically significant Gimli airport with 106 participants on two Vickers Viscount aircraft:
The Journal of the RASC in 1979 included several features on the eclipse by Dr. Roy Bishop, David Levy, Damien Lemay, David Rodger, Mike Weslowski, Harlan Creighton, et al., however this period falls into a significant gap in the coverage of JRASC at the NASA/SAO Abstract Data Service which otherwise keeps a complete set online for the public.