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THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA ADMINSTRATION BULLETIN NO. 17 13 November, 1964 252 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO 2B, ONTARIO The recent announcement by the Prime Minister of Canada that the proposed 150" reflecting telescope would become a reality made front page headlines across the country. This will be called the Queen Elizabeth II Observatory, to commemorate the visit of Her Majesty to Canada in 1964. A site has been choeen on Mount Kobau, not far south of Pentioton, B.C., and construction of the telescope and buildings will take about 7 years to canplete. A report on this project, written by the newly-appointed Dominion Astronomer Dr. R.M. Petrie, will appear in the December issue of the JOURNAL. The support received from the Councils of the Centres of the R.A.S.C. for this development was greatly appreciated. On Tuesday, October 27th, the Niagara Falls Centre held their annual Turkey Dinner. A most enjoyable after-dinner talk entitled "Astronomical Grab-Bag" was given by the National Secretary, Rev. Norman Green, to round out a most successful evening. The Edmonton Centre had their annual banquet on October 22nd. The guest speaker was Prof. Henry Elder, who chose as his subject "The Influence of the Cosmos on Architectual Expression through the Ages". Congratulations are extended to the hard-working members Of this Centre on the success of their annual STAR NIGHT and the excellent photographs featured in STARDUST. Robert C. Roeder, new]y appointed member of the Department of Astronomy, U. of T., was guest speaker at the Toronto Centre meeting on November 6th. His subject was "Relativity and the Expanding Universe". On November 20th, Dr. Bernard F. Burke of the Carnegie Insti- tute of Washington, will address the members on "Radio Astronomy and the Expanding Universe. The Hamilton Centre meeting of November 5th featured a talk by Mr. G. A. Thede, entitled "Artificial Satellites and Interplanetary Explorations". Mr. J.E. Kennedy addressed the members of this Centre on October 1st on "Solar Eclipse Expeditions". Dr. M.P. Bachynski of the RCA Victor Research Laboratories, Montreal, spoke at the October 21st meeting of the Ottawa Centre. On November 18th, Mrs. Gladys A. Harvey of N.R.C. will speak on Solar Radio Emission". The Halifax Centre held their second fall meeting on October 28th. An interesting talk On "Folklore and the Constellations" was given by Lt. Mary King. Your attention is drawn to the following: (i) a notice will be mailed shortly to the Centres requesting members to prepare papers for submission to the Committee on Papers for the 1965 General Assembly, which will be held in Toronto next May. Those must be approved by the Centre Council before being sent to the Committee on Papers; abstracts of 150 words or less must reach the Committee by March 15th, 1965. It is also suggested that, wherever possible, these papers be presented to the Centres prior to the General Assembly. (ii) submissions on candidates for the CHANT MEDAL must reach the National Office by December 31st at the latest. (iii) Annual reports by the Treasurer, Secretary and the list of Officers and Council for your Centre should be prepared as soon as possible. Marie Fidler J. E. Kennedy
Administration Bulletin No. 17
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